Boat from Angra dos Reis to Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha on Ilha Grande

Secure your tickets for the boat crossing from Angra dos Reis to the hotels and pousadas of Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha. 


Estação Santa Luzia
Angra dos Reis (Tourist Pier)


25 – 45  minutes depending where you disembark


Various Piers & Hotels
See locations below

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Boats to Aracatiba & Praia Vermelha

With only a few daily boats to Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha, make sure you purchase your ticket ahead of time to avoid disappointment. While making your reservation, you can also book the return boat from Araçatiba or Praia Vermelha at the same time.


Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha Drop Off Points

Cais / Piers/ Muelles
Hotel / Pousada / Hostel

Pier Cachoeira Treetop Chalet, Mar de Sonhos, Casa da Ilha, Casa do Mar Azul
Pier PrincipalPouso do Sol, Gabriel, Mar de Araçatiba, Maravilha de Ara, Encanto da Ilha, Suítes Ilha Grande, Nena Suítes, Casa dos Coqueiros, Casa do Artista. Pousadas Tropical, Cantinho de Ará, Fiote, Tony Montana
Pier Quiosque Encanto do Pai, Recanto do Sol, Pousada Cibeles, Ilha Hostel, Pousadas Gabriel, Suítes Pica-Pau
Pier AraçatibinhaHostel da Praia Ilha Grande, Pousada João e Maria
PierHotel Boutique Verde Mar
PierBangalô do Lugar Preferido no Mundo
PierPousada Refúgio do Capitão
PierPousada Convés
PierPousada Mar da Lua
PierPousada Canto da Saracura
PierBem Natural Pousada e Camping
PierPousada Popeye
PierPousada Cruzoé
Praia Vermelha
Pier VermelhaDolce Vita, Pousadas Ponta da Barca, Praia Vermelha, Sítio Itaguaçú, Lagamar
PierPousada Vila Pedra Mar
PierEspaço He’Nalu
PierSuítes Arpoador

Once you complete your reservation online, you will receive your voucher via email.

On the day of travel, please show your identification and your e-voucher on your electronic device, or have a printed copy.

Important: You are required to be at the Santa Luzia Pier at least 30 minutes before departure. If you arrive within 15 minutes before the boat to Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha departs, the management reserves the right to offer your seat to someone else in the queue.

Please check-in at the tourist information desk CIT (Centros de Informações Turísticas) at the Estação Santa Luzia.

Address: Av. Júlio Maria, 435 – Centro, Angra dos Reis – RJ.

You will be escorted to the boat 5 minutes before departure.

Note: This boat usually departs on time.

You carry your own bags onto the pier and until the boat, and then the crew will help with the loading of the bags.

The duration taken to reach your destination depends on where the other passengers are going and the order along the route your accommodation is located. On average, after departing the port of Angra dos Reis, the crossing to Araçatiba is usually between 20 to 30 minutes, and to Praia Vermelha it takes between 30 to 40 minutes.

Because the route to Ilha Grande is mainly protected from the open sea, the trip is not usually overly bumpy, but there can be higher seas in times of bad weather.

The seats onboard are undercover, and there are plastic siding that comes down in case of rain. But do bring a raincoat in case of rain comes in through the front while the boat is moving.

The size of the boat used is determined by how many passengers on the day and may have 26 seats or seats for up to 50 people.

The boat type is called a Flexboat, which are speedboats purpose-built for this type of transport. They have inflatable tubes along the side, which make them the fastest and safest craft for ferrying passengers to Ilha Grande.

The boats are equipped with regulation safety equipment such as:

  • Two-way radio;
  • Individual life jackets (children’s sizes available);
  • Floatable rescue devices.

The boat to Araçatiba & Praia Vermelha makes stops at safe piers along the coast of those two communities. There is a regular order for the stops along the route, first passing Araçatiba and then Praia Vermelha.

If your pousada/hotel has a pier then you will be dropped off directly there. If not, you will be dropped off at the public pier closest to your accommodation. There are no vehicles in these communities and therefore you will need to walk with your luggage to your pousada from the pier.

Araçatiba boat stops and their related hotels

Hotels that have their own pier
Pousada Canto da Saracura, Bem Natural Pousada e Camping, Pousada Cruzoé, Pousada Popeye, Pousada Mar da Lua, Hotel Boutique Verde Mar, Bangalô do Lugar Preferido no Mundo, Pousada Convés, Pousada Refúgio do Capitão,

Cachoeira Pier
Mar de Sonhos, Pousada Casa da Ilha, Treetop Chalet.

Principal Pier
Suítes Ilha Grande, Pousadas Tropical, Cantinho de Ará, Tony Montana, Maravilha de Ara, Pousadas Gabriel, Cibelis, Ilha Hostel, Encanto do Pai, Recanto do Sol, Encanto da Ilha,, Nena Suítes, Pouso do Sol, Pousada Gabriel, Mar de Araçatiba, Casa dos Coqueiros, Casa do Artista, Fiote.

Quiosque Pier
Pousada Cibelis, Suítes Pica-Pau, Ilha Hostel, Encanto do Pai, Recanto do Sol, Pousada Gabriel.

Araçatibinha Pier
Hostel da Praia Ilha Grande, Pousada Joãoe e Maria.

Praia Vermelha boat stops and their related hotels

Hotels that have their own pier
Espaço He’Nalu, Suítes Arpoador, Pousada Vila Pedra Mar.

Vermelha Pier
Lagamar, Dolce Vita, Praia Vermelha, Sítio Itaguaçú, Pousadas Ponta da Barca,

There are children rates for certain ages, and age on identification is checked onboarding.

0 -3 years = free

4 -10 years = Child discount

All babies and children no matter the age must register a ticket or else there may not be space for them and entrance to the boat denied.

Luggage Allowance

The luggage Allowance is one standard-sized bag or suitcase per person. The dimensions should not exceed 30 x 50 x 70 or weight above 25KG.

Carry-on items are to fit between or under the seats, or where the luggage is stored.

The boats built for speed and comfort for passengers, and not for the transport of cargo. Lost items are not the responsibility of the boat company, please be mindful of your luggage at the piers and make sure you disembark the boat with all your belongings.

At the discretion of the crew, an excess fee may be charged if you bring more or larger luggage than the allowance.


Small lapdogs may travel for free, but there are extra charges for larger dogs.

Sporting Equipment or large items

Larger objects such as surfboards, stand-ups, and other sizable cargo may have an extra charge, or not permitted if deemed unsafe for the voyage.

Late Passengers

Boat departures are punctual, and there is no wait tolerance for late arrivals. If you arrive late the passenger may travel on the next available departure if there are seats available.

It is the responsibility of the passengers to present themselves at least 15 minutes before the departure time, or risk having their seat given to standby passengers.

The boat company is not responsible for any expenses you may occur if you are not present at least 15 minutes before departure.

Time/Date Changes

To make changes to a ticket, you must make contact by phone (voice) directly to the boat company up until 6 hours before the travel time. The new date of travel must be within 6 months of the date the original ticket was scheduled, and seats for the new date available.

If you do not make it to your departure and communication directly to the boat company was not received by phone requesting a time/date change, then the ticket is considered a “No Show” and you are not eligible for a refund or a change to another time/date.

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellation requests must be made by calling the boat company directly at least 24 hours before the departure and during company hours.

Refunds will be determined by the amount of notice given, and is as follows:

  • Up to 24 hours before the trip, you are entitled to a full refund of the ticket.
  • Less than 24 hours, and before 6 hours before the travel time, you are entitled to a refund of 50% of the ticket price;
  • With less than 6 hours of travel, you can only transfer/reschedule the trip. There is no time for the company to resell canceled tickets.

Cancellations by the boat company

If the trip needs to be canceled or cannot be made by the company, at the scheduled time, for any reason, you are entitled to a full refund.

The company reserves the right to use the service of another vessel to make the service if necessary.


The travel schedules may be delayed due to climatic conditions, sea conditions, other boats arriving and departing the piers, coast guard inspection, and necessary changes to the itinerary out of our control.

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Angra para Aracatiba mapa

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